Biesmans Group nominated for Innovation Award 2023

The innovation policy of the Genk business community is on point. This is proven by the triple Genk nomination for the Innovation Award 2023 from Voka Limburg. Together with Orbix and Soltech, Biesmans Group (then still under the name Tectum Group) competed for the win. A great honor and especially a nice recognition for the innovation department of our group. Unfortunately, we grabbed past this award this year and we warmly congratulate Orbix with the deserved win. In the run-up to the event we asked product manager Lennert Schreurs why, according to him, Tectum Group deserves the innovation award.
Why do you think Tectum Group has earned this nomination?
Because Tectum Group is pioneering innovation in the roofing industry. Our solutions today create a positive impact in the future.
How important is sustainability in the development of innovative products?
As an organization, it is important not only to achieve economic growth. You can do that growth in two ways. On the one hand, by achieving "gray growth. That basically means that in addition to economic growth, the ecological footprint also increases. Or on the other hand, 'green growth,' which means that there is both economic growth but the ecological footprint also decreases.
What innovative products did Tectum Group already bring to market?
Tectum Group has already launched some innovative products to the market. For example, we launched the BossCover Rooftile. This is a rubber roof tile made from the EPDM cut offs. Which in itself is a very nice initiative, only here we are still talking about recycling, where the environmental impact is just a bit higher. That's why in our next development we really focused on reusing materials and that's where the BossCover Circular System grew out of that. That system really ensures that the materials can be reused at the end of life, which also keeps the environmental impact low.

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